Musical Story Workshops

the workshops

These workshops foster imagination, instil a sense of sensitivity and musical discovery for ELC educators and adults. It showcases how easy it is to include music into the kindergarten room, without needing a knowledge of music.

How it works

Using musical stories as a method of delivery, together with music for relaxation and singing, a feeling of musical fulfllment within the “ classroom community” is showcased. The inclusion of the use of tuned and untuned percussion instruments is ideal to create rhythm and beat. The sessions also focus on team work, discussion, making musical decisions both in groups and individually and how easily these concepts can be brought to the children. Musical maps and props bring all the concepts “to life”. There is a distinction made between “listening” and “hearing” and how important it is to recharge or soothe the mind and body through the modality of music. There is a focus and discussion on Guided Listening and the importance of this within the kindergarten room.

What’s included

The use of percussion instruments, active and passive musical segments, props, story boards and a copy of Adventures at Humminghive in print, ebook and musical, audiobook formats, are included. The musically interactive Lifeskills Program was created for children aged 2-6. The many episodes include singing, musical role play, musical activities and storytelling focusing on turn taking, co-operation, mutual respect, social inclusion, social awareness and self belief. The children are empowered with self-confidence and high self-esteem is fostered. Beverley uses this unique and highly sought after resource as a basis to working with ELC centre staff.Beverley has created ‘Adventures at Humminghive – Here We Are!’ as a educational MUSIC based audiobook that includes life-skills themes in an allegorical musical story with sing-a-long songs. This musical audiobook can be included in early childhood music programs and be used by parents, grandparents and care-givers who would like to provide a fun-filled medium where the story is used to teach social awareness, good communication, resilience, self-confidence, empathy and self-belief.

Who is this for?

All adults, teachers and educators within the ELC setting will benefit enormously from this fun-filled, highly interactive adult workshop. Pitch and harmony, texture of sounds together with the making of musical patterns will all be included and discussed.

Built on the Early Years Learning Framework

The philosophy that underpins Beverley’s workshops is based on the EYLD, Carl Orff, Play Based Learning Principles and elements of Musical Play Therapy, Guided Imagery in music and Guided Listening techniques.


Interested in hosting a Musical Story Workshop?

Enquire using the form below and we will reply as soon as possible.